Wild LB&J
Cocktail Enhancer
We’re proud to introduce to you our handcrafted cocktail enhancer, the Wild LB&J. Made from extracts of lemon balm and wild alligator juniper extracts, this cocktail enhancer is unlike anything on the market! It starts with a potent pack of our hand-foraged wild alligator junipers (at 50x greater concentration than our gins!) in a multi-week alcohol extraction process that brings forth a rich and subtly sweet flavor that complements our gins in fantastic ways. We perform the same lengthy extraction process with another of our gin botanicals (lemon balm), and combine the two along with Richard’s Rainwater (also from Austin, Texas) into something truly unique and special. While we highly recommend you add Wild LB&J to our gins for a spectacular treat (see recipes below), we encourage you to add Wild LB&J to a variety of your favorite spirits to make superb and healthy cocktails or mocktails. Sláinte!
Wild LB&J Cocktail Enhancer
Wild LB&J is the health-minded sibling of the WildGins Co. family. This premium craft cocktail enhancer utilizes Lemon Balm from our WildJune Western Style Gin and Alligator Juniper foraged from the West Texas Mountains, star of our WildBark West Texas Dry Gin, extracted with our base neutral grain spirit (80% rye, 20% malted barley) and diluted with Richard’s Rainwater (Austin, Texas).
Bottle size: 750 ml, 375 ml, Alcohol: 18% /Volume
Botanicals: West Texas Alligator Juniper (wild foraged), Lemon balm
Tasting Notes: Wild LB&J features the wild foraged Alligator Juniper berry. While this wild berry delivers an unparalleled boldness in our WildBark Gin, it’s boldness is tastefully mellowed by a surprising sweetness during the extraction process. Rye spices and the tea-like citrus quality of the Lemon Balm follow through onto the palate.

Our Story: Inspired by the covid-19 quarantine, Biology Prof and WildGins Founder (Molly Cummings) wanted to create something yummy and useful with her hand-foraged junipers and gin botanicals. By digging deeper into both the scientific and traditional medicine literature, she knew that the wild junipers of West Texas had more to offer this world than (just) making the best-darn gin on the planet. The key to accessing the healthy properties of junipers (and lemon balm as well), was to ensure these botanicals spent a lengthy amount of time in alcohol. Covid-19 quarantine provided the time and WildGins had some amazing alcohol (a gorgeous rye-malted barley neutral grain spirit blend), so the experimentation began. The final result is something truly remarkable and delicious. The health-minded Wild LB&J cocktail enhancer not only tastes amazing, it harnesses even more of the goodness that our West Texas gems have to offer. Enjoy & Stay Healthy!
Merchandise Shop
Available only in Texas – Now with Free Delivery in Austin
Wild LB&J label designs by artist Thira Schlegel.
Wild LB&J Cocktail Recipes

In an ice-filled glass, Add
2 oz WildBark West Texas Dry Gin
1 oz Wild LB&J extract
Stir Well
Garnish with Basil leaf (optional)
In an ice-filled glass, Add
2 oz WildBark West Texas Dry Gin
1 oz Wild LB&J extract
1 oz Tonic Water
Stir Well
Garnish with lime wedge (optional)
In a shaker filled with ice, Add
1.5 oz WildJune Western Style Gin
0.5 oz Wild LB&J extract
0.5 oz simple syrup
0.5 oz Lemon juice (squeeze half a lemon)
Shake & Strain
Garnish with a lemon twist
WildJune Rathbone
2.0 oz WildJune Western Style Gin
0.5 oz Wild LB&J extract
1/2 teaspoon finely chopped fresh basil, plus 1 sprig for garnishing
3/4 cup pink grapefruit juice
1/4 cup tonic water
WildBark Celery Stalker
2 oz WildBark West Texas Dry Gin
1 oz Wild LB&J extract
1 oz simple syrup
1 oz fresh lime juice
Brut Champagne
1 cucumber slice, for garnish
WildJune goes to Cooperstown
1.5 oz WildJune Western Style Gin
0.5 oz Wild LB&J extract
0.75 oz Martini & Rossi rosso vermouth
0.75 oz Noilly Prat Original Dry Vermouth
2 Mint leaves
WildBark Tuxedo Numero Dos
2 oz WildBark West Texas Dry Gin
1 oz Wild LB&J extract
0.75 oz Dolin Dry Vermouth
0.25 oz Luxardo Maraschino
absinthe rinse
LBJ Lemon Cooler
1 oz WildJune Western Style Gin
1 oz Wild LB&J extract
1.5 oz Dry vermouth
0.25 oz Grenadine
0.25 oz Fresh lemon juice
Bitter lemon soda or lemon-flavored club soda
Garnish: 1 Lemon wheel
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